This Is Opposit

ShowcaseShowcase your unique && creativecreative sideside with usus


We areare fullyfully dedicated toto creating authenticauthentic digitaldigital solutions.


Strategic Consulting

Effectively using Big Data


Performance Marketing

Gaining & retaining new customers


Design solution

Create positive brands and businesses that engage and empower people in meaningful ways.


Digital solution

Full Digital Marketing solution services that make a real difference to our client's online initiatives.

our works

Our clients

Global Store
sofa Dreams Germany

Our team

Nick Sivtsov

Head of Design

More than 6 years of experience in various design fields, such as industrial design, graphic design, web design and 3D modeling. Solid experience of complete design process, from conceptualization to delivery.

Sanda Popa

Chief Executive Officer

Sanda`s interests include leveraging his experience and expertise to help digital marketing agencies and end-user clients be successful

Vlad Vicol

Digital Solutions Architect

Vlad has 7 years of digital experience which includes customer acquisition, retention and digital strategy for the Global market. As a fast-paced self-learner, he has hands-on experience in Google Analytics, FB and IG ads, CRM, Email Marketing, SEO, Performance Marketing, Media Buying, Inbound Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Vladimir Danilov

Digital Specialist

Meet Our Digital Specialist Our talented and dedicated Digital Specialist at Oppositstudio. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for all things digital, Vlad brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to our team.

Wolfgang Kerem Schroeder

Senior Sales

Wolfgang is a seasoned international business executive with deep technology understanding, along with extensive management, sales, marketing and business development experience in international markets.

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